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Approved: 11-1-23
Effective: 11-20-23
The following Bylaws have been adopted by the membership of Airline Central Local Lodge No. 2323, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Toronto, Ontario, and all stations designated as operating within the confines of the Central Region, for the purpose of assisting the members in the conduct of their business, and guidance of the Officers and Committees of Local Lodge No. 2323.
Section 1. This Local Lodge shall be known as AIRLINE CENTRAL LODGE NO. 2323, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, TORONTO, ONTARIO.
Section 2. Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed or applied in a manner that will conflict with the provisions of the IAM Constitution and District Lodge No. 140 Bylaws. All matters arising and not specifically covered in these Bylaws shall be governed by the IAM Constitution and District Lodge No. 140 Bylaws.
Section 3. Any increase in the amount of initiation and reinstatement fees, Emergency Funds, and Local Lodge dues must be handled on the basis of the procedures specified in the IAM Constitution.
Any other amendments to these bylaws must be handled on the basis of the following procedures:
- All proposals must be in writing, signed by not less than five (5) members, and referred to a Bylaws Committee appointed by the President.
- Must be read as proposed at two (2) consecutive meetings. Immediately following the second reading, the Bylaws Committee shall submit their recommendations.
- Reasonable advance notice must be given to the membership of the time, date and place of the second reading, and vote to be taken on the Bylaws Committee’s recommendations. All proposed bylaw amendments will be posted after first reading.
- Each proposal must be considered and voted upon separately. A majority affirmative vote by those present and voting is needed for adoption.
- Triplicate copies of approved proposals, together with the master copy of bylaws shall be referred to the International President for approval and designation of an effective date. One copy of the Lodge approved proposals shall be sent to the General Vice President’s office in Toronto, Ontario.
Section 4. Bylaw changes will be handled by a Standing Bylaw Committee appointed by the President during the month of January each year, for a one-year term and may be called upon any time throughout the year as deemed necessary.
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held at 2580 Drew Road or other suitable accommodations, subject to the approval of the International President, on the first Tuesday of each month except when the meeting date falls on a generally recognized holiday in which event a substitute day of meeting shall be set at the preceding meeting. All regular meeting shall adjourn by twenty-two hundred hours (2200) unless a motion to extend the meeting is made and carried by a vote of the majority of the members present and voting.
Section 2. Special meetings shall be called and conducted by the President as set forth in the IAM Constitution.
Section 3. Quorums for regular or special meetings shall be governed by the IAM Constitution.
Section 4. The Order of Business shall be as set forth in the IAM Constitution.
Section 5. On receipt of a written request (stating the reason) from a Representative at a line station, the Local Lodge President shall visit the said station at one of their regular or special called meetings if he deems the reason warrants it. The President may assign the Vice President to attend on his behalf.
Section 6. Annual Line-Station Meeting -This meeting would include union representatives from line stations within the jurisdiction of Local Lodge 2323 (Central Region), and one or more members of the Executive Board of Local Lodge 2323.
The purpose of this meeting is for line-station representatives to meet, exchange ideas, discuss common problems and present their views directly to the Executive Board.
The cost of these meetings, i.e. lodging of out-of-town reps; meeting room rental, and necessary out-of-pocket expenses, shall be paid by the Local Lodge.
The date and place of these meetings shall be determined by the Executive Board.
The responsibility for the organization of these meetings shall be that of the host station.
Section 1. The Officers of this Local Lodge, their selection, duties and qualifications and responsibilities shall be in accordance with applicable provisions of the IAM Constitution.
Section 2. The term of office for all officers shall be three (3) years with the positions of President and Secretary-Treasurer to be on a full-time basis, eff. 01/01/02.
Section 3. Any vacancy occurring in the office of the President because of death, resignation or incapacity or other cause shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Vice President. All other vacancies shall be filled by temporary appointment of the Executive Board until the nomination and election can be held.
Section 4. Each line station shall have a minimum of one (1) Union Representative who will serve as Chairperson and where necessary an additional member to serve as Secretary, to conduct Union business at that location. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the handling of funds.
Section 5. The election of Union Representatives at line stations shall be conducted in December.
Section 6. Nomination procedures and qualifications shall be as set forth in Section 1, of Article IV of these bylaws.
Section 7. The candidates who receive the highest vote for their respective offices shall be declared elected.
Section 8. Any Officer absenting himself from three (3) consecutive regular meetings, and who does not present valid reasons, should resign. Should he fail to resign, he will then be charged and tried in accordance with the IAM Constitution.
Section 9. All communications, bills, receipts, stationery, equipment, etc., entrusted to a member, committee person or officer of this Lodge shall remain the property of this lodge and must be returned to the Recording Secretary at the termination of each individual office or assignment. Failure to comply with this Article may result in charges being laid in accordance with the IAM Constitution.
Section 10. All Officers, employees or other individuals in this Local Lodge who are responsible for, or handle funds of or for the Local Lodge, shall be bonded in accordance with the IAM Constitution and the IAM Policy relating thereto.
Section 11. The President shall be ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 12.
- The position of Local Lodge Communicator shall not be a position on the Local Lodge Executive. At the request of the Local Lodge Executive Board, he/she may attend Local Lodge Executive Meetings, General Meetings and any other special called meetings or Union functions and report on same. As directed by the Local Lodge Executive, the Communicator shall attend Media functions pertaining to the Labour Movement in the Air Transport Industry and training and seminars provided by the I.A.M.A.W. and/or other Labour Groups (i.e. C.A.L.M., O.F.L. etc.). The Communicator shall assist the Recording Secretary as required.
- The Local Lodge Communicator shall report to the Local Lodge President or his/her designate. Final approval of all newsletters, news releases etc. is the responsibility of the president and subject to review by the Local Lodge Executive.
Section 1. Members present at the meeting may accept nomination. Nominees not in attendance will be required to submit in writing their acceptance to the Recording Secretary to be read out at the nomination meeting. Members can only accept nomination to one (1) office. Members accepting nominations must have attended at least fifty percent (50%) of the regular Local Lodge meetings, members in good-standing on Line-Stations must have attended at least fifty percent (50%) of the line station meetings, held during the twelve (12) month period ending the date of close of nominations, that their scheduled shifts, employer assignments, vacations, verified illness, Local-District-Grand Lodge business shall allow. Proof of attendance shall consist of signing a register by each member attending the regular Local Lodge meetings and the said register shall be in the custody of the Recording Secretary. These qualifications shall apply to all elected officers and positions in the Local Lodge, with the exception of Shop Stewards.
Written acceptances may only be submitted by members not in attendance at the nominations meeting. Acceptances must be delivered in writing to the Recording Secretary prior to the start of nominations.
Section 2. A member in order to hold any office or position in the Local Lodge or be representing the Local Lodge or the District Lodge 140 or any other union body, must have been working at the trade at the time of nomination or appointment for a period of six (6) months prior thereto.
Any member subsequently returning from a temporary acting or permanent assignment above and beyond the Scope of the Agreement shall not be allowed to hold any Union office or position for a period of not less than three years before qualifying themselves again under paragraph one.
Any member holding any union office or position who accepts any management assignment outside the scope of the agreement, either on a temporary, acting or permanent basis, must forfeit his/her position in the union immediately.
The Shop Committees shall keep a list of all acting assignments above and beyond the Scope of the Agreement and shall furnish the Local Lodge a copy of said list each year so that this Bylaw can correctly monitor the situation.
Section 3.
- Not later than 60 days prior to the election, the Recording Secretary shall notify all members by regularly used means of the election process including but not limited to: positions, time, date and place of election and the absentee ballot request procedure.
- Qualified members may obtain the absentee ballot request form from the Local Lodge Recording Secretary by written request or in person. Copies of the request form are available in the Shop Committee office. A request for absentee ballot form is also available and can be download from the Local Lodge 2323 website.
- Completed absentee ballot request forms must be returned to the Local Lodge Recording Secretary via Canada Post, email, fax or in person to the Local Lodge Recording Secretary. Forms must be completed in full including a valid union card number and a signature.
Section 4.
- Absentee ballot voting shall be used in elections of Local Lodge and Grand Lodge Officers, Shop Committee Chairpersons and Members, delegates to District Lodge and Grand Lodge Conventions, General Chairpersons, nominee for District Lodge Pension Representative, Local Lodge auditors, members of the Negotiating Committee. In the event a vacancy occurs in any of the above-listed offices or positions, the designated alternate with the highest number of votes shall fill the vacancy, with the exception of Local Lodge Officers and General Chairpersons. Shop Committee Chairperson to be filled by the member for the remainder of the term or until an election can be held for the remainder of vacant position.
- Members who reside in outlying districts more than 25 miles 40km from the Local Lodge (as determined by Google Maps, MapQuest or the like, members who are either confined because of verified illness or on vacation or on official IAM business, approved by the Local Lodge, District Lodge or Grand Lodge, or on an employer travel assignment, as the case may be, may request an absentee ballot request form.
- Any member entitled to receive an absentee ballot shall make a written request therefore to the Recording Secretary of the Local Lodge by delivering in person or mailing such request not later than 30 days before the election.
The absentee ballot request must include the member’s Union card number or the request is void. - Within 48 hours of receipt of request for an absentee ballot, the Recording Secretary shall mail the ballot to the last known address, if the Local Lodge records indicate the applicant is eligible to vote in the election. Ballots must be returned by official government mail to the Recording Secretary of the Local Lodge so that they are received by or prior to the closing time of the polls specified in the notice of election.
Section 5. In Ottawa station, balloting shall take place at a site selected by the Local Lodge Executive Board that is within ten (10) km of the Ottawa International Airport.
Section 6. Tellers for the balloting shall be appointed by the President.
Section 7. Before voting in any election the member must show a valid Union card or a government-issued picture identification otherwise they will not be issued a ballot no matter what the circumstances.
Section 8. Voting shall commence at 06:30 hours and terminate at 21:00 hours for all elections.
Section 1.
- The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Secretary-Treasurer, Three Trustees, Conductor- Sentinel, and Board members as required under Section 1 (b).
- The Executive Board shall have a minimum of three (3) members from the Maintenance/Purchasing and Facilities Branch and five (5) members from the Airport & Cargo Operations Branch and one (1) member from the Clerical Bargaining Unit, one (1) member who works at Ottawa, plus one (1) member from If each of the said Branches and Ottawa does not get the minimum representation at the time of the regular election of officers, then the Executive Board shall appoint the required number of Board members to achieve the guaranteed representation by Branch and Location. They shall appoint from the Branch and Location requiring Board member(s), the candidate(s) to officer position who received the highest number of votes, but were not elected. Note: The Executive Board Member who works at Ottawa shall be required to perform the duties of the Ottawa Administrator.
Section 2. A majority of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum for Executive Board meetings.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet once a month to review all business coming up and submit recommendations on all matters to the membership. The Chairperson of the Executive Board shall call a special Executive Board meeting when a majority of the Executive Board members request it or approve it. All Executive Board members shall be notified by the Chairperson of the date, time and place of such meeting.
Section 4. Between Local Lodge meetings, it shall be the duty of the Executive Board to deliberate upon all matters and transact any business referred to it by the Local Lodge and consider all other matters coming to its attention for the good and welfare of this Local Lodge, and as soon as possible thereafter, to report to the Local Lodge its recommendations.
Section 5. All Executive Board members and others (exclusive of members in receipt of a monthly expense allowance) who have been asked to attend an Executive Board meeting for more than four (4) hours shall receive a $12.00 expense allowance. Members that qualify for a daily expense allowance and a per diem shall receive the greater of the two.
All Executive Board members and others (exclusive of members in receipt of a monthly expense allowance) who have been asked to attend an Executive Board meeting on the same day as the regular membership meeting shall receive a
$20.00 expense allowance.
Section 6. A member of the Executive Board cannot hold a position on the Shop Committees and vice versa for the Chairpersons and members of the Shop Committees.
Section 7. The two Union Regional shop Committee Chairpersons (Toronto) shall report to the Executive Board at the regular monthly Executive Board meetings.
Section 1.
- The Union Regional Shop Committee (Toronto), Technical Operations/Purchasing & Supply Branch, shall consist of one (1) Shop Chairperson and one (1) Committee Member elected by and from the Technical Operations/Purchasing & Supply Branches.
- The Union Regional Shop Committee (Toronto), Airport and Cargo Operations, shall consist of one (1) Shop Chairperson and three (3) Shop Committee Members elected by and from the Airport and Cargo Operations Branch. One of the Union Regional Shop Committee members (Toronto) shall be assigned to represent the members in the Toronto Cargo Branch.
- The Union Regional Shop Committee Members (Toronto) term of office shall be for a period of three (3) years.
Section 2. In the event of any members of the Union Regional Shop Committees (Toronto) being absent the Union Regional Shop Committee Chairperson(s) (Toronto) will appoint one or more Chief Shop Stewards and in the event, none are available they will appoint Shop Stewards to act on the Shop Committees.
Section 3. Nominations for Union Regional Shop Committee Members (Toronto) shall take place at the first regular meeting in September and elections shall be held at the first regular meeting in December.
Section 4. Qualifications as per Article IV, Nominations and Elections.
Section 5. The Union Regional Shop Committee Members (Toronto) election(s) will be held at the Union Hall, from 0630 hrs. until 2100 hrs.
Section 6.
- Shop Committee – Ottawa – This Shop Committee is comprised of a maximum of two (2) members – one (1) member to be elected as Chairperson, and one (1) to be elected as Shop Committee member. The term of office shall be three (3) years, commencing January 1, 2013 for the Chairperson and three (3) years for the member commencing January 1, 2015. This Shop Committee will be voted on by the members in Ottawa only. The Ottawa Executive Board Member shall be responsible for conducting the nominations and election of this Shop Committee.
- The Chairperson will be responsible for keeping all files and records pertaining to the administration of the JAM & Air Canada collective agreement (grievances and appeals, minutes of Union-Management meetings, as it applies to Ottawa). All Shop Committee lost time chargeable to the Local Lodge must be authorized by the Executive Board of Lodge 2323, Toronto.
Section 1. Nominations for the Union Regional Shop Committee Chairpersons (Toronto) shall take place at the first regular meeting in September and elections shall be held at the first regular meeting in December.
Section 2. The Union Regional Shop Committee Chairpersons (Toronto), (Airport & Cargo Operations and Technical Operations/Purchasing & Supply) shall be elected for a term of three (3) years.
Section 3. They shall keep a permanent record of all grievances, promotions and items discussed with management; these records shall be kept in the appropriate union offices.
Section 4. The Union Regional Shop Committee Chairpersons (Toronto) shall be responsible for keeping a true record of all hours spent by each of their committees including Toronto Shop Committees lost time chargeable to Local Lodge 2323.
Section 5. Qualifications: As per Article IV, Nominations and Elections.
Section 6. If a Union Regional Shop Committee Chairperson (Toronto) is absent the Union Regional Shop Committee Member (Toronto) shall act as Union regional Shop Committee Chairperson (Toronto).
Section 7. The Union Regional Shop Committee Chairperson (Toronto) Chairpersons elections shall be held in the Union Hall, from 0630 hrs. until 2100 hrs.
Section 1.
- Shop Stewards shall be elected in December for a three (3) year term, commencing January 1, 2012 they must have a plurality (the highest number of votes cast for that position). Nominations and voting to be conducted at their place of work.
- In the event that insufficient Shop Stewards are elected or vacancies arise between elections, the Shop Committee may appoint the same.
- The Shop Committee will determine the number and distribution of Stewards required under their jurisdiction and present these to the Local Lodge Executive Board for approval prior to the nominations taking place. Stewards, who are elected to a position within one work location and subsequently move to another work location, may be requested to relinquish their position in order to maintain proper distribution for purposes of representation.
Section 1.
- Union Representatives on the Safety & Health Committees within Local Lodge 2323 will be nominated and elected by the Membership they represent for a three (3) year term commencing January 1, Nominations shall take place at the Local Lodge.
- The Executive Board shall determine the number and distribution of Union Representatives required under their jurisdiction for each Safety and Health Committee. Members governed by each group will vote for the committee members that will represent them.
- In the event that insufficient Union Health and Safety representatives are elected or vacancies arise between elections the Local Lodge 2323 Executive Board shall appoint the same.
- Co-chair and/or Full-Time Coordinator representatives shall be nominated and elected by their representative members at the first meeting of the term in January for a three (3) year term. Eligible candidates shall have served a minimum of one (1) year on any of the joint Health and Safety Committees.
Section 2. The Safety & Health Representative to District Lodge 140 shall be recommended by the Health and Safety Committee Members of Local Lodge 2323 and appointed by the Executive and membership of Local Lodge 2323. Term of office shall be three (3) years commencing January 1, 1998.
Section 1. There shall be an auditing committee of three (3). They shall be nominated and elected by the Local Lodge at the same time Local Lodge officer elections are held and for the same term. Officers of the Local Lodge are not eligible for election as members of the committee.
Section 1. Shall consist of the Secretary-Treasurer and three (3) Trustees.
Section 2. They shall make recommendations on financial matters as referred to it by the Executive Board.
Section 3. They shall have charge of all property belonging to the Local Lodge and keep an inventory of same.
Section 4. The President and Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget and refer it to the Executive Board for recommendation to the Membership at the first regular meeting in March.
The membership at this March meeting will vote on the proposed budget or make amendments as they deem necessary in order that the Local Lodge is operated in a manner they feel would best serve the membership’s interests.
Notice of the proposed budget and voting to take place shall be posted for sixty (60) days in advance of this meeting so as to alert the members of the importance of this vote.
Section 1. Shall consist of three (3) members, an Educator and two (2) Committee Members. The Educator and Committee Members shall be appointed by the President with final approval of the Executive Board for a term of three (3) years.
Section 2. Shall handle all matters referred to and pertaining to the education of the members.
Section 3. The Educator shall conduct Shop Steward training courses set out at intervals approved by the Executive Board. The Ottawa Executive Board Member will assist the Educator with shop steward training courses in Ottawa.
Section 1. Delegates to the District Lodge shall be in accordance with the District Lodge Bylaws.
Section 1. Local Lodge 2323 opposes discrimination by any officer, representative or member against any other member in any way because of race, creed, color, sex or national origin.
Section 2. This committee shall consist of four (4) members plus one (1) member of the Local Lodge Executive Board. Three (3) months prior to the completion of the term, notice will be given to the membership about an application and interview process. The committee shall be appointed by the Local Lodge Executive Board. The committee members shall elect from among themselves a Chairperson. The term of office for committee members will be for a period of three (3) years.
Section 3. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to uphold the principles of the Local Lodge policy on Human Relations with the assistance and guidance of any other pertinent applicable legislation.
In addition, they shall be responsible for furthering the principles of the policy through training and education of the officers and membership of Local Lodge 2323.
Section 4. The committee will be responsible for keeping a permanent record of its activities.
By virtue of the fact that cases pertaining to this committee will regularly involve complex personal difficulties, the committee members will be confined to the utmost in confidentiality.
Section 5. Issues failing resolution at the committee level that warrant further action, may proceed upon recommendation to the Human Rights Commission of Canada.
Section 1. This Committee shall consist of three (3) members plus one (1) member of the Local Lodge Executive Board. The Committee shall be appointed by the Local Lodge Executive Board. The Committee members shall elect from amongst themselves a Chairperson. The term of office for committee members will be for a period of three (3) years.
Section 2. The Committee will be responsible for keeping a permanent record of its activities. By virtue of the fact that cases pertaining to this Committee will regularly involve complex personal difficulties, the committee members will be confined to the utmost confidentiality.
Section 3. Issues failing resolution at the Committee level that warrant further action may proceed upon recommendation to the Human Rights Commission of Canada.
Section 1. Shift committees will be determined and appointed by the Shop Committee Chairperson.
Section 2. There shall be no voting or bidding on shifts on a Statutory Holiday.
Section 1. Any delegate or representative to be selected by this Local Lodge (except delegates to Grand Lodge Convention) will be elected (or failing that, appointed by the President) in accordance with the IAM Constitution and Bylaws as applicable.
Section 2. Delegates to Grand Lodge Conventions shall be elected in accordance with the IAM Constitution.
Section 1. The General Funds of this Local Lodge can be disbursed only by an order drawn by the Recording Secretary and countersigned by the President, the cheque in all cases to be drawn by the Secretary-Treasurer and countersigned by the President. In the absence or incapacity of the President, the Vice President shall countersign the orders and cheques.
Section 2. Between Local Lodge meetings the Executive Board shall have the authority to disburse a sum of money not to exceed $500.00 per month, subject to approval by the membership at the next regular meeting. It is further understood that the Executive Board is responsible for the administration of the Local Lodge business between regular meetings. Any motion to spend in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) will require a notice of motion and must be posted on Union bulletin boards for a period of seven days with the exception of normal operating expenses.
Section 3. Any union member who is attending union business as a Local Lodge Representative beyond a radius of five (5) miles/eight (8) km from the Airport is entitled to in-town expenses of $20.00 plus parking. This is to cover items such as meals and travel. Parking receipts will be required if claiming parking.
Any member on authorized Local Lodge business in town beyond a radius of five (5) miles/eight (8) km from the airport, for duration of two (2) days or more, shall receive expenses as per Section 4 (a) Article XVIII plus the cost of a single hotel room.
Section 4.
- Any lodge representative who is out-of-town on authorized Local Lodge business shall receive seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per day expenses plus the cost of a single hotel room. In the U.S.A., they shall receive seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per day in U.S.A. funds, plus the cost of a single hotel room.
- Traveling time and out of town expenses in some cases require special handling; therefore, when distances which necessitate special consideration to curtail Union loss time charges and out of town expenses, the Executive and/or membership will consider each of the out of town expenditures when such cases occur.
- Any Lodge Representative who has attended a Convention, course or seminar must submit an itemized statement of his expenses within 30 days of his return from the aforementioned function and return to the lodge any excess funds within such 30-day period.
Members not complying with this bylaw will be considered as indebted to the Local Lodge. They will be unable to accept nomination or appointment to any Local Lodge position. If currently holding a position, they will forfeit same as per Article B, Section 3 of the I.A.M.A.W. Constitution. - The Local Lodge shall provide expenses of $0.50 per kilometer to any member who has been authorized by the Local Lodge Executive Board to operate their own vehicle in the performance of specific Local Lodge duties. An expense statement giving dates, places, mileage and other particulars shall be submitted to the Local Lodge.
- The Local Lodge shall not reimburse expenses incurred for ground transportation at the member’s home base unless the Local Lodge President has granted approval.
Section 5. Any member who attends a course or seminar out of town shall be paid incidental expenses at the rate of $20.00 per day (plus the cost of room and board, provided).
Section 6.
- The full-time President shall receive a monthly salary equal to the monthly salary of the Lead Licensed Aircraft Technician under the collective agreement with Air Canada. This amount shall be adjusted by the same salary adjustment received by the membership under the collective agreement with Air Canada. The Local Lodge shall assume Air Canada’s portion of all benefits covered under the current collective agreement. In addition, the President shall receive an expense allowance of $275.00 per month.
- The full-time Secretary-Treasurer shall be paid a monthly salary equal to the monthly salary of the Lead Licenses Aircraft Technician under the collective agreement with Air Canada. This amount shall be adjusted by the same salary increase formula and on the same date as any salary adjustment received by the membership under the collective agreement with Air Canada. The Local Lodge shall assume Air Canada’s portion of all benefits covered under the current collective agreement. In addition, the Secretary-Treasurer shall receive an expense allowance of $275.00 per month.Note: The Recording Secretary of Local Lodge No. 2323 shall notify the International President of the adjusted salaries each time it occurs.
- The Vice President and Recording Secretary shall receive a monthly expense allowance of $275.00. In addition, he shall be paid for actual wages lost when it is necessary to perform the duties of his office, subject to authorization by the President.
- The Three Trustees, Conductor-Sentinel, Ottawa Executive Board Member, Educator, Local Lodge Auditor, Negotiations Representatives, Shop Stewards, Board Members, Safety and Health Committee Members, Employee Assistance Committee Members, Women’s Committee Members, Pension Committee Members, Employee Relations, Rights & Equity Committee Members, Young Machinists Committee Members and Community Services Committee Members shall receive a yearly expense allowance of $550.00. This allowance will be paid each December.
In order to receive this allowance, the Toronto (YYZ) based members must attend at least 50% of the regular monthly union meetings held by the Local Lodge during the months he/she has had in office, that their scheduled shifts, assignments, verified illness, Local, District, and Grand Lodge business shall allow.
In order to receive this allowance, the Ottawa (YOW) member must attend one (1) meeting on each individual occasion when membership meetings are held at the Ottawa Station, that their scheduled shifts, assignments, vacation, verified illness, Local/District/Grand Lodge business shall allow.
Members not serving a full twelve (12) months in office during the year shall receive a pro-rated allowance. - The Shop Committee Chairman (Toronto) shall receive an expense allowance of $275.00 per month.
- The Shop Committee member (Toronto) shall receive an expense allowance of $275.00 per month.
- Each member of the Ottawa Shop Committee shall receive $275.00 per month expense allowance.
- Exclusive of members in receipt of a monthly or yearly expense allowance, all others who have been asked to back-fill the position of President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Shop Committee Chairperson or Shop Committee Member shall receive an expense allowance of $12.00 per day for a maximum of 30 days.
- The Chief Shop Steward Clerical representing more than 50 members will receive an expense allowance of $275.00 per month.
The Chief Shop Steward Clerical representing less than 50 members will receive an expense allowance of $200.00 per month. - The Chief Shop Steward for TBH shall receive an expense allowance of $275.00 per month.
- The full time Health and Safety Representatives shall receive an expense allowance of $275.00 per month, subject to a 50% monthly membership meeting attendance requirement.
Section 7. A gift such as a fruit basket, food voucher, etc., for a member who is off sick for twenty-one (21) days or more, shall be provided by the Local Lodge, value shall not exceed $65.00.
Section 8. A tribute for a deceased member, or any member of his immediate family, shall not exceed $100.00 in the form of flowers, Bible or charitable donation.
Section 9. Operating funds at the Line Stations will be established and maintained at an amount not to exceed $50.00, to be decided by the Executive Board to meet regular location expenses. All bills from these funds will be submitted to the Finance Committee of the Local Lodge.
Section 10. Tellers will be reimbursed for regular lost time or if not working on that day will be reimbursed up to $60.00 per day for itemized out-of-pocket expenses.
Section 11. The Chairperson, members of the Shop Committee and the Safety Representative shall be reimbursed for all long-distance telephone calls incurred on Union business.
Section 12. The Educator shall receive an expense allowance of $15.00 per day when conducting a training seminar as per Article XII, Section 3.
Section 13. Any Union Member who is attending a training seminar, audit meeting, bylaw meeting, assistance committee meeting or who is performing an authorized function for the Local Lodge in the Union Hall or airport proper while on Union time charges shall receive a $12.00 expense allowance if said meeting or function is for more than four (4) hours. Exclusive of members receiving a monthly expense allowance.
Section 14. When not in receipt of a District Lodge monthly expense allowance, the Employee Assistance Committee Coordinator shall receive an expense allowance of $275.00 per month.
Section 15.
- Any member who is required to work a full day for the Local Lodge on one of his days off shall receive a day off in lieu.
- Any member who is required to work less than a full day for the Local Lodge on one of his days off shall receive equal time off in lieu. The payment shall be authorized by the Local Lodge Executive Board.
Section 16. In the event a member should hold more than one position in the Local Lodge that pays a monthly or yearly expense allowance, the member will only be entitled to receive the higher one of these allowances.
Section 17. The Communicator shall receive a monthly expense allowance of $275.00. In addition, he shall be paid for actual wages lost when it is necessary to perform the duties of his office, subject to authorization by the President.
Section 1. Qualifications for membership in this Local Lodge shall be as per the IAM Constitution.
Section 2. Initiation and reinstatement fees shall be an amount equivalent to two (2) months’ dues.
Section 3.
- The monthly dues of this Lodge shall be a uniform rate equal to one (1) times the weighted average hourly earnings of members covered by the collective bargaining agreements under the Local Lodge jurisdiction in accordance with the IAM Constitution, plus Grand Lode per capita charges, District 140 per capita charges and all lAM mandatory affiliation per capita charges (OFL, OPCM, CMC).
The dues shall be adjusted on January 1 of each year and shall be based on the hourly earnings in effect on the preceding 31st day of October. - The union dues of members working at TBH shall be 1.5% of basic monthly salary but not less than the DL 140 set monthly dues.
- The monthly dues of part time Station Attendants shall be set at $10.00 less than the established rate as per section 3 (a).
Section 4. Each member on admission to the Local Lodge will be furnished with a copy of the IAM Constitution, District Lodge No. 140 and Local Lodge No. 2323 bylaws and the current agreement between the IAM and the company.
Section 5. Unemployment Stamps: The Local Lodge will pay on behalf of the sick or disabled member, the unemployment stamps for a period of 6 months. Any member who suffer a proportionate loss of earnings, due to separation from employment because of sickness or disability, voluntary or involuntary, regardless of disability benefit being received, to maintain their good standing by paying a minimum charge of $2.00 per month, $1.00 of which is remitted to the Grand Lodge. This is not to include layoff or furlough. It is the member’s sole responsibility to inform the Lodge that they are in need of Unemployment Stamps, and to continue the payment once the 6 months has been reached. It is members responsibility to notify the local lodge when member is on medical leave.
Section 1. Representation to the District Lodge negotiations shall be as per District Lodge 140 bylaws. When two (2) members are attending negotiations there shall be one (1) member from the Customer Service/Cargo Branch and one (1) member from the Maintenance/Purchasing Branch.
When three (3) members are attending negotiations there shall be two (2) members from the Customer Service/Cargo Branch, and one (1) member from the Maintenance/Purchasing Branch.
When four (4) or more members are attending negotiations there shall be two (2) members from the Customer Service/Cargo Branch, and two (2) members from the Maintenance/Purchasing Branch.
Section 2.
- Nominations and elections will be completed six months prior to the expiry of the current collective agreement.
- Candidates who receive the highest number of votes for their respective area shall be declared elected. Alternates shall be selected from the unsuccessful candidates receiving the highest number of votes in each area as defined in Section 1.
- All members on negotiating committee shall be elected by and from the respective Branch that they represent. The members shall qualify under Article IV, Section 1.
Section 1. The selection and duties of a General Chairperson shall be as per the District Lodge bylaws.
Section 2. Nominations and voting shall be open to all members of this Local Lodge in accordance with the IAM Constitution.
Section 3. All polls for referendum voting shall be located in the building where Local Lodge meetings are held. The polls shall be open from 06:30 hours to 21:00 hours.
Section 1. Whenever the male gender is used in these Bylaws, it shall be interpreted to include the female gender wherever applicable.
Section 2. Whenever the union hall is mentioned in these bylaws, it shall be interpreted as the hall where the regular union meetings are held.
Section 3.
- In the event of a vote on a 6×3 shift consisting of an eight hour and thirty-three-minute day and if the proposal also contains monetary compensation for statutory holidays that the majority required for acceptance of such a shift be sixty (60) percent of the votes cast.
- That when member votes are conducted to introduce compressed workweek type shifts (4×4, 4×3 etc.) a majority of 60% will be required for member approval.
Section 4. When voting on a change in shifts for Maintenance and Purchasing members, only those members who will have their starting and stopping times or days off changed by the proposed shift will be eligible to vote on it.
Section 1. This committee shall consist of no less than (3) three members, all age appropriate as per Grand Lodge. The Committee shall be appointed by the Local lodge Executive Board. The Committee members shall elect from themselves a Chairperson. Term of office shall be two (2) years commencing January 1, 2016.
Section 1. This Committee shall consist of three (3) members. The Committee shall be appointed by the Local Lodge Executive Board. The Committee members shall elect from amongst themselves a Chairperson. Term of office one (1) year.
Section 1. This Committee shall be made up of a maximum of twelve (12) members, not including the Regional Coordinator. Committee will be comprised of: two (2) Ottawa Members, four (4) Technical Operations Members (YYZ) and six (6) Airport and Cargo Operations Members (YYZ).
Committee Members will have a term of three (3) years. This term shall coincide with the Local Lodge Executive’s term. Any Committee Member wishing to remain with the committee for another term, shall notify the Regional Coordinator in writing, via letter or electronic mail.
Section 2.
- The Local Lodge shall post any vacancies for the committee. Any member wishing to apply for the open position, shall apply in writing to the Regional Coordinator and the Recording Secretary.
- Any member that applies will be required to fill out an application. The applicant will have an interview with the Reginal Coordinator and at least one member of the existing Committee. Member selection will be made by the Reginal Coordinator and the Committee Member. The selections will be submitted to the Local Lodge Executive Board for final approval.
- Any member applying may not hold any other union position. This includes, but is not limited to, Health and Safety Committee and Shop Steward.
Section 3. The Regional Coordinator shall have a term of three (3) years beginning one year after than the Local Lodge Executive Board. The Regional Coordinator shall be chosen by the Committee. Once the Committee has made their selection, they will submit the Coordinator’s name to the Local Lodge Executive Board for final approval.
Section 4. The Committee shall ensure that they conduct themselves in the spirit of our Union. All matters of our membership are to be held to the strictest of confidentiality. Confidentiality is broken only in the event the member is planning to cause harm to themselves or others.
Approved on behalf of the International President
Brian Bryant
Get Involved
Interested in joining a committee or have specific concerns you’d like addressed? Reach out to us using the contact form below, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.