Local 2323 -List of events for September 11, 2018 (Elections & Nominations)

Elections -06:30 -21:00 hrs. Union Hall

Elections for Negotiations Representatives Election IAMAW 2323 Air Canada TMOS

For the Clerical Representative, see recent bulletins on our Bulletin Page

Membership Meeting & Nominations – 19:00 hrs. Union Hall


-Nominations -Air Canada -Airports & Cargo Operations YYZ -One (1) Shop Committee Member bulletin

-Nominations -TBH -Chief Steward (1) & Shop Stewards (5) bulletin

-Nominations  -Air Canada Ottawa -One (1) Shop Committee Chair bulletin

-Nominations -Ottawa Health & Safety Members (TMOS) bulletin

-Nominations -Toronto Health & Safety Members (TMOS) bulletin


Please call the Local 2323 Administration Office if you have any questions at:




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