November 15, 2018
Special Meeting
IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 Members
Air Canada TMOS Collective Agreement
Regarding the Open Period/Negotiations
Process for 2018-2019
Please be advised that District Lodge 140 will be hosting a Special Meeting to discuss issues
that have escalated during the negotiations preparations and training.
At the meeting will be Fred Hospes, President and General Chairperson of District 140,
Carlos Dacosta Airline Transportation Coordinator and other elected Negotiations Committee
Member(s}. They will be there to assist the Membership in understanding the processes and
protocols in this upcoming Open Period in 2019.
Meeting is to take place:
Monday, November 26, 2018
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Natraj Banquet Hall
7275 Torbram Rd.
Mississauga ON
(905) 677-9393
We encourage all Members with questions and concerns to attend.
Light refreshments will be served.
In solidarity,
Dave Flowers