January 11, 2019
All Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2323
In Ottawa
Increasing Membership Attendance
In an effort to increase the Membership turnout at the General Meetings we are
going to (on a one year trial basis) have an end of year raffle for a cash gift
card, for the members who have attended meetings. Members who attend will be
given when entering the hall, one half of a ticket which will be one chance
at winning a prize for every meeting he or she attends.
The prizes are as follows:
1 Prize $500.00
Now, if you would like to better your odds of winning, why not bring a member
who has never been to a meeting? By bringing a member who has never been to a
meeting, not only does that member get a ticket for a chance, but you also get
a second ticket for bringing that member with you. This is for both active and
retired members.
This initiative was discussed and approved by your Executive Board.