February 01, 2019
IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 Air Canada Members
Union Hat Arbitration Win!
As per our previous bulletin regarding Air Canada forbidding our members long standing
tradition of wearing IAMAW hats, Arbitrator Christine Schmidt has issued her award. It is
a clear victory for our Union that we may continue to enjoy our Freedom of Expression. It
reaffirms a 1987 Arbitration Award that had granted us that right, but Air Canada chose to
All members working for Air Canada (excepting Baggage Agents in customer contact
positions) may wear either the Union logo cap, or the one supplied by the company.
Your Local Lodge had obtained agreement from District Lodge 140 to challenge the matter
at arbitration, including the company’s decision to hire legal counsel. In response, we
retained long-time advocate and lawyer Ian J. Roland to counter. Your Local Lodge has
had a long and successful history with Mr. Roland’s advocacy, spanning over 40 years.
In particular, Arbitrator Schmidt wrote:
“The company has failed to draw a clear and objective link between the new cap
requirement for these ‘below the wing employees’ and the Company’s business
interests.” She further wrote that; “I find the new cap requirement is not reasonable and
as such, the Company is in violation of article 1.02 of the collective agreement. The
grievance is upheld. The Company is directed to remove the requirement in the
Workwear Standard that IAM members must wear Air Canada issued caps.”
A copy of the 15 page award is available for reading on our website at iamaw2323.ca
We would like to thank our Stewards, Shop Committees and General Chairpersons for the
support and team work that was needed to reaffirm our member rights as in this award.
In Solidarity,
Dave Flowers
John J. Smiley
Secretary Treasurer