Wednesday June 26, 2019
For Immediate Release
Toronto, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 2413 employed at Menzies Aviation have a new collective agreement
with significant wage increases thanks to an arbitration award handed down June 21, 2019.
“The union did achieve some major advancement that will absolutely raise the floor for IAM members at Menzies
as well as significantly raising the floor for airport workers at Pearson International and beyond,” said IAM
Transportation District Lodge 140 General Chairperson Michael Corrado.
“This is an important milestone victory as it provides our current dues paying members with significant wage
increases and ensures that members ate NOT paid differently because they are servicing WestJet or Sunwing. We
have won our fight for equal pay & equal treatment regardless of what comes out of the pending Canada
Labour Code reform and the upcoming Federal election,” said Corrado! Menzies recently picked up the contract
to service Sunwing aircraft at Pearson.
The three-year agreement provides much our current IAM members with wage increases ranging from 6.9 per cent
to 10.3 per cent in year one and 1.25 per cent in year 2 and year 3 respectively. Starting wage rates now
range from $15.50 to $20.00 per hour. Other agreement highlights include:
- Dental coverage will now be provided to regular full time employees who have completed their probationary
period - Increased footwear allowance
- Union recognition clause applies to all employees in the bargaining unit who provide ground handling services
under the WestJet contract and/or the Sunwing contract at Terminal Three at Pearson International - New Health and Safety language
- New language about the size of future Bargaining Committees
- New language that allows for better conditions for the Chief Steward to represent IAM members
- Improved time limits on how long a disciplinary letter stays on an IAM member’s file
- Improved seniority language allows IAM members to have their overall Company seniority transferable from
one classification to another - New language about shift schedules, shift bidding and that split shifts can only be used on a voluntary basis
“I am very proud of the hard work, dedication and perseverance of the bargaining committee,” said Corrado. “This
was not an easy task and I can assure you they endured many sleepless nights to achieve this agreement.”
The 700 members consist of ramp agents, ramp leads, bag room agents, bag room leads, LAV agent, TOW agent,
and PAX agent, PAX lead, grooming agents and grooming agent leads. The IAM is the largest union at Pearson
International and the largest union in Canada’s air transport sector.
For further information:
Michael Corrado – IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 General Chairperson
Bill Trbovich – IAM Director of Communications for Canada
416-386-1789 Ext#31/416-735-9765