November 18, 2010
All Members
Excessive Sick Part
Shift Letters
The company has issued a letter to those people who have left part shift more than 3 times in the last year. The company feels this is excessive and has asked those people to provide a doctor’s note from now on when they leave work before the completion of their shift. As the letter states, the company will pay for this note.
The Union has filed a grievance and will be taking this matter to arbitration on Dec 9 2010. The company and Union signed a letter of understanding regarding sick part shift at the last round of contract negotiations. Nowhere in this letter does it state a limit on the number of times one can leave early without providing a doctor’s note. The Union feels this letter is unwarranted and we will be asking the arbitrator to order the company to rescind this letter.
The Shop Committee
Derek Morgan
Frank Morgani
Vick Seebalak