February 24, 2021
All Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2323
The Young Machinists would like to thank all those who participated in our Black
History Month initiatives, we put up posters throughout your workplaces where
you learned about some of the Black Canadian Women who contributed to our
Country. Now, for the last week of February, we are raising funds by selling Movie
Night Baskets which include popcorn, candy, chocolates and a movie menu. This
menu gives suggestions of the amazing talented Black Women of the
entertainment industry on Netflix favourites.
For only $10 per basket. You can help bring this great month of recognition for
Black History to a close for this year. We will donate the proceeds to local shelters
in need.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Please call ahead to the Local Lodge for payment and pickup time at
905-678-0010. Cash only.
Nicole Tappenden and Shryl Ramsarran
Paul Hicks
Vice President