To The Members At TBH Services
Negotiations Committee;
May 13, 2021
Please be advised that we are looking for one (1) Member (in addition
with your Chief Steward), to participate in the upcoming round of
If you are interested in being part of negotiations, please forward a letter
to the Recording Secretary of the Local Lodge. Please add your name
and contact information and submit by email or fax. The cut off date is
Friday, May 28, 2021.
Negotiations Members should be prepared to participate in surveys and
Membership engagement, as well as online sessions to review the
collective agreement and to take part in the company bargaining process.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, if more than one (1) Member submits their
name, the list of Members will be submitted to the Local Lodge
Executive Board for consideration and selection.
Email SaI Amin:
Fax: 905-678-0034
In Solidarity
Dave Flowers