July 2nd, 2021
To All Members of Local Lodge 2323
On June 28th 2021, District Lodge 140 concluded its elections for the President and
Directing General Chairperson (PDGC) position. With the support of the Membership,
I was privileged to be elected, with the term immediately beginning on July 01 2021.
This will unfortunately entail me to depart my role as your Local Lodge President.
The IAMAW Constitution defines that should the President leave office,
The Vice-President shall become President and fulfill the remainder of the term.
I am pleased that Brother Paul Hicks has accepted the challenge and I am confident
that he will lead Local Lodge 2323 in the right direction.
As PDGC my duties will encompass new challenges to promote the common interests
of all Members and affiliated Local Lodges within District Lodge 140.
I ask all of you to provide Brother Hicks with the same guidance and support that I
enjoyed, while in his new role as your Local Lodge President.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Membership, Local Lodge Committees
and all Staff for their support and assistance through my years of service in the IAM.
This experience has given me the confidence and tools to be successful in this next
chapter ahead.
In Solidarity,
Dave Flowers