District 140 Bulletin #12 Re: Air Canada and AVEOS

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Due to the decision of the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to allow the application of Air Canada and Aveos to split the Maintenance Bargaining Certification, a meeting was held in Vancouver on March 9th to address the issue of how the IAMAW would proceed with the Collective Bargaining process.

In attendance were the Local Lodge Presidents or a representative from each Local Lodge whose members are part of the Technical Maintenance and Operation Support (TMOS) Collective Agreement.

All present expressed their understanding that the membership of TMOS are anxious and prepared to proceed as soon as possible with the bargaining process in order to recover the losses suffered in ensuring the survival of Air Canada in the past decade.

After a lengthy discussion of the matter, the decision of the Local Lodges is to continue with the Pre- Negotiations process with the present TMOS Bargaining Committee.

The IAMAW will send the “Notice to Bargain” to the companies before the March 31st expiration date of the current Collective Agreement.

Section 50 of the Canada Labour Code indicates that there must be a meeting with the company within twenty (20) days after the receipt of the notice to bargain. The information regarding any upcoming meetings will be communicated to the membership as soon as the arrangements are made.

After the initial meeting, the bargaining process with Air Canada will continue with the present TMOS Committee. As per the normal process, the dates and location of the bargaining will be determined by the TMOS Bargaining Committee in meetings with Air Canada.

When and if it is required, an Aveos Bargaining Committee will be put together with elections to fill the positions required.

It’s time for each and every one of you to stand up for your rights and support your Sisters and Brothers of the IAMAW!

In solidarity,

Chuck Atkinson President & Directing General Chairperson


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