To All IAMAW Members Working at Air Canada

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

The next steps in the Air Canada/Aveos saga are about to begin.

On April 13, 2011, a hearing will take place at the Superior Court regarding the application for an injunction to freeze your status as Air Canada employees until the Court has ruled on the Union’s application under the Air Canada Public Participation Act (ACPPA).

The hearing will be held at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List), on the 8th floor of the Canada Life Building, 330 University Avenue, Toronto, and will commence at 10:00 a.m. The proceedings are open to the public, with limited seating, so if you are planning to attend, please be there early.

A half-day has been set aside for legal arguments from each of the parties. There will be no additional evidence put forward and no witnesses will testify or be cross-examined.

The hearing to determine whether Air Canada is in compliance with the ACPPA will be held on May 18, 2011. Further information about location and times will be posted as soon as it is available.

Also on April 13, 2011, a hearing will be held before Arbitrator Martin Teplitsky to get further information to you and extend the timeline for making selections under the transition process so that any choices you do have to make can be made with all the information at hand.

We are nearing the end of what has been a long and difficult time for each and every Union member.

We are also entering a period when we will have the chance, for the first time in a very long time, to recoup what was taken away from us through the dark years of the process under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA).

Now, more than ever, it is of the upmost importance that ALL IAMAW members continue to support one another. It is only through solidarity that we will be successful in the coming months.

In solidarity,

Chuck Atkinson
President and Directing General Chairperson




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