IAMAW Highlights of Arbitrated Award -TMOS Group

Air Canada/ IAMAW
Arbitrated Award 

Term- 5 years (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2016)

Pension – benefit changes effective January 01, 2014

-Unreduced pension at 55 yrs. of age with 80 points
-Joint & Survivor revisions (remove 3% cost upon agreement with OFSI)
-Introduce multi- employer plan for new hires (“IAMAW MEPP”) with equal contribution rate of 6% employer and 6% employee. Air Canada’s bears no responsibility to the “MEPP” beyond contribution


Wages– lump sum payment equal to 2% of base wage for April 1, 2011 – May 31 2012 (14 month period)

April 1, 2013 – 2% increase to base wages
April 1, 2014 – 3% increase to base wages
April 1, 2015 – 3% increase to base wages

New Hire Scales – introduce new wage scales with elongated progression for all new hire Station Attendants and Cabins Services Cleaning Attendants.

Part time Wage Progression – 2080 hours of work or 24 months which ever occurs first.

Shift Premiums$0.25 for all hours worked between 18:00 and 2259
$0.50 for all hours worked between 23:00 and 06:00

LCSCA– add new top tier of $22.89

Meal Period – June 1, 2012 pay 15 minutes of the 30 minute lunch until December 31, 2012.
Effective January 1, 2013 paid lunch shall be increased to 30 minutes.

General Holidays– introduce 1 week of general holidays after 10 years of service

Job Security – maintain Jazz ground handling in stations where currently performed for the life of the agreement.

Seniority – provide primary consideration for CSCA on CSA promotions
-provide system seniority for P/T CSCA (bumping excluded)

Part Time CSA – basic seniority date as an SA

CSCA – including CSCA in primary consideration for the CSA promotion bulletins

Shift bidding – introduce defined levels of compression in each station
– Multiple bids per year (1-4)
Clarify the role of the Work Schedule Review Committee
Company commits to not changing methodology in determining the number of relief employees
-MOA is renewable on a yearly basis effective each calendar year.

LOU 5– change the 2 year rule to three years, movement will occur in the Fall of each year

New Hire Benefits – no benefits until after 6 months of employment

Vacation Prorating– after 60 consecutive days of absence due to GDlP. MAT and PAT leave (applicable to Article 6 only)

Retirement Phase In – LOU 26- 5 year cap for new participants the program

Out of Town Expenses– increase to $65/day. plus $50 per day for staying with friends and/or family in lieu of hotel expenses 20.11.04


Maintenance. Logistics and Supply (articles 4. 5. 8 and 9)


April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012 – 2% lump sum equivalent of base wage for all classifications except Stockkeeper, TDC/TDP/TW, Planners, Line Expediter, Tool Room Issuer, Building Attendant, Business Analyst- TechServices, Buyer Analyst, Process Auditor, System Support Analyst, Chauffeur, Category 30, Category 33 who shall receive a 2% wage increase to base wages (retro)

April 1, 2012 – 2% increase to base wages
April 1, 2013 – 2% increase to base wages
April 1, 2014 – 3% increase to base wages
April 1, 2015 – 3 % increase to base wages

LAT 5 – introduction of a new Wage Scale of $35.20/hr effective April 1, 2011 plus general yearly increases. enhancements to the LAT 5 appeal process
Reduction of LLAT to a minimum of 35 across the system, all current LLAT’s who are deemed surplus will be red circled at the current LLAT wage level

Skills Premium$50 /month for Cat 14, 21, 23, 24, 36 and 37

Endorsement Pay – increase from $30/month per endorsement to $90/month.  -Increasing to $100.00 for LAT 5 on April 1, 2015
-Cat 19 – introduce composite endorsement of $90/month (for AT’s only)

Out of Town Expenses– increase to $65/day. plus $50 per day for staying with friends and/or family in lieu of hotel expenses 20.11.04

Cat 23 – separate into 3 separate and distinct categories

Cat 23 – Automotive

Cat x – Millwright

Cat y – HVAC
-form a committee to address issues arising from the split

Amalgamation – Stockkeeper function amended to include Chauffeurs and Cat 31’s with a 2 year transition period

New Classifications – Introduce ACM Trainer in Article 4 and 8 with premium of $150/month
-Introduce Maintenance Communicator

Maintenance Uniform– introduce maintenance uniform

Cross Utilization – improved language in article 4.02

Vacation Bidding – agreement that vacations would be distributed evenly across the calendar year.
Ability to bid vacation by side of the week for 4×4

Shifts – removal of the Shift flexibility agreement (bastardized 4×3)

AC Jetz– define a new LOU 4 process


Download Highlights Air Canada/IAMAW  Arbitrated Award
(3 page pdf)

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