Dear Brothers and Sisters:

District Lodge 140 of the IAM&AW presented a National Grievance on March 27th in Calgary that dealt with Retroactive pay for all IAM bargaining units. Below is a list of issues addressed and attached is a copy of the arbitrator’s award. The issues raised were:

1. Are Aveos employees entitled to any retro pay since they were still Air Canada employees until they transitioned over to Aveos in July 14 2011? The arbitrator did not agree with the union’s position on this issue and dismissed the claim.

2. For our members who retired and subsequently rehired at Aveos; the arbitrator agreed with the union on this issue and subsequently they will receive retro pay up until the time that they retired.

3. For members who resigned from Air Canada and rehired with Aveos, and met the criteria for post retirement benefits (25 years of service, age and service equaling 80 points or age 65 with 10 years of service) the Company has agreed to pay these members retroactivity pay up until the time that they resigned.

4. For members on Great West Life, the arbitrator ordered that they needed to be in receipt of a retroactive payment from bargaining in the form of a percentage wage increase not an equivalent. Most of the members of TMOS, Finance and Clerical received a lump sum payment for the first year and therefore they are excluded from any additional monies. They could be eligible for an increase if they are still on GDIP into the second year of the Collective agreement. Please see both orders attached.

5. For those members that are on Workers Compensation he stated that these payments are governed by various Provincial Boards and he has no authority to decide this issue. However, on May 1, 2013 the Arbitrator has directed the Union and the employer to cooperate together in providing the provincial boards with the arbitrated outcomes and request a ruling on retroactivity for compensation payments. If the compensation boards refuse this question, the matter can be brought back to the arbitrator.

6. The arbitrator ruled that he has no authority to rule retroactivity pay for members collecting employment insurance payments.

7. Finally for members on Maternity and paternity leaves he stated that these were unpaid leaves and would not attract any retroactivity.

If you have any questions please contact your Shop Committee or your General Chairman.
In Solidarity,

Tony Didoshak,
General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAM & AW

BULLETIN NO. 052 – ISSUED MAY 14, 2013

Bulletin & Arbitrator’s Decision

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