Air Canada – Technical Maintenance and Operations Support (TMOS)
Negotiations Update Bulletin
October 11, 2011
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Your Negotiations Committee met with Air Canada last week, fromOctober 3 to 7, to continue agenda item discussions.
We are making some measured progress on some administrative items. Talks so far are cordial as the company appears to be willing to work towards solutions to items.
We are scheduled to meet again during the week of October 17 to 21 during which time the two sub committees will meeting separately with the company to work on the items in their respective packages.
There have been some concerns with CUPE as its members will be in a strike position during this period. Though this may interrupt our week of bargaining, we are hopeful our sisters and brothers at CUPE will be able to reach a resolution with Air Canada.
We thank you for your patience as we work towards a collective agreement to vote on.
In solidarity,
Your IAMAW / TMOS Negotiations Committee