Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Those affected by the Off-Duty Status (ODS) grievance have been waiting patiently for this matter to be concluded. As a re-cap, your Union successfully argued Air Canada’s illegitimate invocation of a second “wave” of ODS starting in January 2021.
Your Union filed a grievance challenging the employer’s misuse of Article 20.14 and that grievance was upheld at Arbitration in late 2021. Subsequently, Air Canada brought that decision for Judicial Review. In September 2022, the review panel dismissed the company’s application and costs were awarded to the Union.
Since that time District Lodge 140 has followed up with the company ad nauseam. The list of affected Members has been vetted and we have been advised sent to Payroll for processing.
The matter is now with Payroll in Winnipeg. It is our understanding that such a reconciliation will take some time to complete, but we continue to follow up with Labour Relations on a regular basis.
As always we thank you for your incredible patience and support.
In solidarity,
Dave Flowers
President and Directing
General Chairperson
Lou Pagrach
Grand Lodge Rep.
Dan Janssen
General Chairperson
Central Region
Mahmoud Khatib
General Chairperson
Central Region
Satwant Saini
General Chairperson
Central Region
Steve Prinz
General Chairperson
Western Region
Kevin Timms
General Chairperson
Western Region
Guillaume Lingat
General Chairperson
Eastern Region
Serge Gelinas
General Chairperson
Eastern Region
Ed Hepburn
General Chairperson
Atlantic Region
Tony Didoshak
Grand Lodge Rep.