All IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 Members

November 25, 2020

All IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 Members

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

We had previously advised the membership this year that during a period of illness,off duty
status or layoff, the I.A.M.A.W. Constitution requires what is called “U”stamps of $2.00 per
month to be paid by each affected member. This provision allows you to remain as a member in
good standing. Please refer to Article G, page 124 of the I.A.M.A.W. Constitution – Eligibility &
Condition of Issue. (The Constitution can be found on the Local Lodge 2323 website under the
drop-down menu About, and then the submenu About 2323.)

We also advised the affected members that Local Lodge 2323 would pay for the “U”stamps as
long as it was fiscally responsible to do so. We regret that the time has come where this service
has become a financial struggle for our Local Lodge. The International Grand Lodge also advised
that this subsidy stop after six months’ time, as per the memo to aIl I.A.M.A.W. Leadership from
Robert Martinez Jr., International President.

Should an affected member wish to remain as a member in good standing, the preferred
methods of payments are: E-transfer, check or bank order. Please consider quarterly ($6.00), or
semi-annual ($12.00) payments, commencing January 01, 202l.

E-transfer to:

Other payments to:

lAM Airline Central Lodge 2323
202 – 2580 Drew Road
Mississauga ON L4T 3M5

These are difficult times for everyone! When we do get through this pandemic, we will be
standing strong.

Please be kind to each other, be safe and stay well.

Dave Flowers

John J. Smiley
Secretary Treasurer

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