
All IAMAW Members at YYZ (AVOP Survey) -District 140 Bulletin


To: All IAMAW Members @ YYZ
Subject: Airside Vehicle Operators Permit (AVOP)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Your Union has been working with the GTAA and the Toronto Airport
Workers Council in an effort to reduce the growing number of ramp
accidents & incursions. Furthermore, we are working towards improving
the AVOP program and the AVOP Appeals Process.

An AVOP survey has been developed that will provide the IAMAW and the
GTAA with insight into why ramp accidents & incursions increased in 2016
at an alarming rate and what measures can be implemented to reverse
this disturbing trend.

The survey will be available over the next 3 weeks with the intent of having
it conclude on March 13th 2017.

The AVOP survey is completely anonymous and can be found at:

The results from this survey could prevent future incidents or accidents
from occurring and may even save lives. Thus, I kindly ask that members
fill out the survey once and only once to prevent the results from becoming
skewed or contaminated.


Michael Corrado
Regional Assistant Directing General Chairperson
Central Region

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