AIR CANADA ROUGE AND SKY REGIONAL SINGLE EMPLOYER APPLICATIONS UPDATE _________________________________________________________________
Dear Brothers & Sisters:
On April 25, 2014 the IAMAW filed two applications at the Canada Industrial Relations Board asking for Air Canada and Air Canada rouge to be declared a single employer, and for Air Canada and Sky Regional Airlines to be declared a single employer.
The aim of these applications is to protect the job security of our Members.
The Canada Industrial Relations Board is overseeing a two-track process in relation to these applications, with the litigation schedule proceeding alongside Board-facilitated mediation meetings. The first mediation meeting took place on Monday June 16, 2014. On the litigation side we can advise that the other Air Canada Unions – ACPA, CUPE and Unifor, have recently filed applications for intervener status in the applications.
We will continue to keep you advised of developments.
In Solidarity,
Fred Hospes,
President & Directing General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAMAW