February 2023
Dear Members,
From the time I first became GVP for Canada, my goal was to reach out to members and give them an opportunity to voice their opinions on making our union a stronger organization. Part of this vision were visits with Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME), which despite the perception have always been a priority for the IAMAW.
While scheduling visits took longer than anticipated and longer than what I would have preferred, due to unforeseen circumstances and tight scheduling timeframes, it was difficult to find adequate time to dedicate to these visits. There are important issues that need to be discussed, some of which were brought to my attention at the District Lodge 140 Convention in October, 2022 by a group of representatives across the country. Given the urgency of issues, I felt strongly about finding a time when a sequence of visits could be scheduled so as to avoid excluding any one of our bases.
Coming into the new year, scheduling visits was top priority, and I’m glad to say that visits across the country are scheduled for the period between end of February and first two weeks of March, 2023. Specific dates for each location are being finalized with your local lodges.
Each site/location will have times assigned. Our goal is to have as many AMEs attend scheduled meetings. I’m aware of key issues AMEs have raised in the past, and to gain a deeper sense of challenges that face our union and membership, opportunities for solutions, meeting with members is essential, so please try and attend.
Once details are finalized they will be shared with you through your local lodges.
I sincerely hope you will stay engaged and attend a meeting in your base.
Yours in Solidarity,
Dave Chartrand