IAM MULTI-EMPLOYER PENSION PLAN (MEPP) ____________________________________________________________
Dear Brothers & Sisters:
An ever increasing number of Transportation District 140 Members are contributing to, and earning, a Pension Benefit in the IAM Multi-Employer Pension Plan (MEPP). Specifically these are District Lodge 140 Members who work for Garda in Toronto, G4S in Vancouver, A.J. Walter in Montréal and Members working nationwide for Air Canada in the TMOS, Clerical and Finance Bargaining Units who have been hired since the date of ratification of their respective Collective Agreements in 2012.
The MEPP is controlled and administered by the IAMAW on behalf of all participating Members. The purpose of this Bulletin is to inform all MEPP Members that a website has been created for their convenience as members of the MEPP.
The web address of the MEPP website is and the MEPP website contains information and documentation in both English and French. Participating MEPP Plan Members should visit the website at any time to obtain information about their MEPP Pension Benefit.
The website contains a DOCUMENTATION tab where Members can download Plan documents including the Summary Plan Description; Enrollment Form; Beneficiary Change Form or Marital Status Change Form. The website also contains the contact address and phone number for the MEPP. Members also have the ability to request specific information or submit questions online via the CONTACT tab on the website.
In addition, the audited 2014 year-end Financial Statement for the MEPP is now available and has just recently been sent to all participating Local Lodges. Any MEPP Plan Members who would like to view the 2014 Financial Statement should contact their Local Lodge to receive a copy. All future Annual Financial Statements will be forwarded to the participating Local Lodges as they become available, typically in July of each calendar year.
In Solidarity,
Chris Hiscock, Chairman
IAMAW Pension Committee