OCTOBER 24, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In order to get the ball rolling, I wanted to share some important information ahead of my planned Grievance and Appeal Blitz.

All grievances at level 1 are handled by the shop committee. All grievances at level 2 are handled by myself at the General Chairperson level.

Below are the current numbers of ACTIVE grievances in the IAMAW Grievance System for YYZ:

Active Grievances at the Shop Committee level (level 1)

Awaiting 1st level response (To be addressed by the shop committee at future level 1 grievance meetings with company): 201 Grievances

Level 1 response given (Answered by company, but still awaiting further action by
shop committee): 67 grievances

Active Grievances at the General Chairperson level (level 2)

Awaiting 2nd level response (To be addressed at future level 2 grievance meetings with the company): 165 grievances

Level 2 response given (answered by company, but still awaiting further action by the General Chairperson): 94 grievances

I am excited to announce that I have resolved over 200 grievances since taking office in March of 2022 last year. This has brought the grievance numbers down from over 350 unresolved grievance at level 2, to the current numbers above.

My goal continues to be finding the best resolutions to our members Grievances and Appeals. It is important to note that I always seek approval by the member for the grievances at level 2 which have been responded to by the company. If a member chooses to accept the grievance/appeal resolution that has been reached, the grievance will be resolved. If the member chooses not to accept the grievance/appeal resolution, it will be moved to the next level, which after an internal review, may include being placed in queue for Arbitration.

I will be providing an update regarding my visit to your respective departments for the Grievance and Appeal Blitz in the coming weeks.

Collectively, we can ensure the outstanding grievances continue to be reduced to a manageable level that will in turn allow your Union to deliver more efficient and effective service to our membership.

Let’s continue to work together for the betterment of our membership. Thank you all for your cooperation.

In solidarity,

Mahmoud Khatib General Chairperson
Contact Information-
General Chairperson
Phone number: (416) 897-8140
IAMAW District Lodge 140
Email: mkhatib@iam140.ca

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