March 27, 2012
Important Notice
Airline Central Lodge 2323 IAMAW
Air Canada/TMOS (Technical Maintenance & Operations Support)
Please be advised that due to the expected high volume of attendance at this month’s General Meeting, it will be held at a more suitable location. This change of location was granted with special dispensation by Grand Lodge GVP, Dave Ritchie.
Meeting will be held as follows:
Date: Tuesday April 3, 2012
Where: Natraj Banquet Hall (formerly Bombay Palace)
7275 Torbram Road, Mississauga ON
Time: 1900
You will need your Union card in order to attend the monthly Union Meeting.
Please Note: The polls for voting for the position of Vice President and the Delegates for District Lodge Convention will remain at the Local Lodge as posted on the original bulletin.
Steve O’Hara