LL2323 Young Machinists hard at it again! -IAMAW Canada

LL2323 Young Machinists hard at it again! -IAMAW Canada

20 April, 2020
For immediate release

Toronto, ON – The Young Machinists (also known as New Machinists) are back at work. This time they’re raising awareness – and raising money. And it’s all for the community.

Nicole Tappenden, an active member and a steward for her local, came up with the idea with the Young Machinists and her local quickly joined in. They are producing Thank You Cookie-Grahams to those who are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Their hard work, dedication and courage make it possible for the rest of us to stay safe and healthy. And for that, we owe them a debt of gratitude,” said Tappenden. “A family member works at a gourmet cookie place, so I asked her if it was okay that we did this. It all happened quickly after that and today is our first official day of the campaign.

The cookies are $5 each and $45 for a box of 12. Each box comes in three flavours.

IAM Canadian General Vice-President Stan Pickthall was so pleased with their effort that he put in his order on the spot. He asked that some of those cookies be distributed to our own IAM frontline workers who are part of IAM District 78. The LL2323 Young Machinists hope they can distribute 100 cookies before the end of April. Will you help?

It all goes to prove that IAM members are busy living the talk. Our slogan is Justice on the Job. Service to the Community. IAM Local Lodge 2323 and their Young Machinists are certainly hard at work providing a valuable service!

If You would like to send a Thank You Cookie Graham to one or a dozen front-line workers. Please send funds via e-transfer to: ym@iamaw2323.ca Password: April2020

Link to story on IAMAW Canada


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