Local Lodge 2323, Food Drive “Update”.

January 28, 2021

Local Lodge 2323, Food Drive “Update”

In an update to our last bulletin, the Membership heeded the call to assist with supplies and donations to the Local Lodge food drive. The outpouring of support for our fellow Brothers and Sisters in need was heartwarming. So much so, that presently we have enough supplies and funds for this project to continue for the foreseeable future, even with further lay-offs looming.

This kindness stretched beyond our city and provincial borders, with recent generous donations personally
from our National Secretary Treasurer, Brother Alfredo Acrobati and retired Grand Lodge Representative
and former Local Lodge 2323 President, Brother Bill Shipman. We thank them (along with everyone who
donated or tried to donate) for hearing our call for help and contacting us to assist.

We hope to encourage other Local Lodges to participate, as we can only believe they have Members
whom would greatly appreciate the help also.

As before, we welcome those Members who might be in need of the assistance during this difficult time, to contact us discreetly at the number listed below. We have family and individual size bags of food that have been donated by fellow Members to assist at no cost. We will be looking to add service similar to this for our Membership in Ottawa shortly.

If you are in need, please do not hesitate to contact us, as we are here to help.
Local Lodge 2323 – 905-678-0010

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