Machinists Union opens bargaining with Air Canada and Aveos

Thursday April 7, 2011
Toronto, ON – Today the Machinists Union opened bargaining with Air Canada and Aveos at the  Sheraton Centre Downtown in Toronto. This bargaining is unprecedented in that, for the first time ever, the Canadian General Vice-President has participated from the very beginning of negotiations.

“We are looking for gains in this entire process,” said Chuck Atkinson, IAM District 140 National President and Directing General Chairperson. “That is our message and that is our intent and it applies to all IAM bargaining units at Air Canada and in Aveos,” he said.

“We’re looking ahead to the future and leaving behind what is past,” said Dave Ritchie, General Vice-President of the IAMAW in Canada. “The Grand Lodge will provide whatever support is needed in these negotiations, and that includes me”, said Ritchie.

This is the first time all units, TMOS, Clerical and Finance at Air Canada and Maintenance and Clerical at Aveos have participated in bargaining together.

IAMAW, among the largest industrial trade unions in North America, represents more than 700,000 active and retired members, and administers more than 5,000 contracts in transportation, woodworking, aerospace, manufacturing and defence related industries.

For further information:

Dave Ritchie – IAMAW General Vice President

416-386-1789 Ext #6323

Chuck Atkinson, NPDGC, IAM District 140


Carlos DaCosta – IAMAW Air Line Coordinator

416-386-1789 ext 6329/416-575-3492


IAMAW Canada

District Transportation Lodge 140

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