
Negotiations Update Bulletin #006

Negotiations Update Bulletin
September 1, 2011

We would first like to welcome the newly elected representatives to the committee:

James Lundy – Local Lodge 2323
Robert Laflamme – Local Lodge 2323
Trevor Drennan – Local Lodge 1751
Tony Rupps – Local Lodge 714

Your Negotiations Committee met on August 24 and 25 in Ottawa for internal discussions. During these two days, the committee reviewed the agenda and the process. Chuck Atkinson, President and Directing General Chairperson of District 140, attended the session to explain to the group how this new process will work. He also distributed copies of the District bulletin on the negotiations process and fielded questions.

We’ve presented Air Canada with some dates in September to resume negotiations. They’ve told us, however, that they will not be ready until sometime in October.

They obviously don’t seem in a hurry to get to our negotiations. Guess they don’t consider the largest unionized group important enough to schedule dates now. Perhaps someone in management can answer your questions as to why not!

Thank you for your continued patience.

In solidarity,

Gary Sinclair
General Chairperson, District 140
Co-Chair, Negotiations Committee


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