Notice to all IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 Members -Message from the New President

On July 01, 2021 Dave Flowers assumed the role of President and Directing
General Chairperson (PDGC) of District Lodge 140. I wish Dave all the best in his
new position and I look forward to continuing our strong working relationship in
our new roles.

As your new President of Local Lodge 2323, I am thrilled to be meeting and
working with all of YOU, the Membership, as well as all the Local Lodge
Committees and staff. I endeavour to build upon the strong foundations
built here at LL2323 by past Presidents and to continue to serve the members
needs. I look forward to the coming challenges and I will do my utmost to make
LL2323 as responsive and helpful as can be. I am grateful for this opportunity and
I am eager to carry on the proud traditions of LL2323. There lies much work ahead
and I know as a unified group we can achieve our goals.

Stay safe and stay well.

In solidarity,

Paul Hicks

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Brother Dave Flowers (L) with new Local Lodge 2323 President Paul Hicks (R)

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