Notice to All Members -Reading and Vote of Budget 2020 – April 07, 2020

February 26, 2020

All IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 Members

Reading and Vote of Budget 2020 – April 07, 2020

Please be advised that the Budget will be read out to the members at the
April 07, 2020 General Membership Meeting. (subject to change)

As per Local Lodge Bylaws: Article XI Section 4. The President and Secretary-
Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget and refer it to the Executive Board for
recommendation to the Membership at the first regular meeting in April.

The membership at this April meeting will vote on the proposed budget or make
amendments as they deem necessary in order that the Local Lodge is operated in a
manner they feel would best serve the membership’s interests.

In solidarity,

Dave Flowers

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