Yesterday we sent a letter to Mr. Picher in regard to issues arising out of the award and the implementation.

The items included the retro pay, back pay, endorsement premiums, shift premiums and the length of time the company is taking to pay these to you.

We raised the issue of the lmpact to ramp formation LLAT where the documentation states “ramp LLAT’s begin working as LAT’s immediately” and the STOC coordinator position returning to management.

Mr. Picher indicated that these were properly dealt with through the grievance arbitration process as breaches of the Collective Agreement are not within his jurisdiction under his award.

We have grievances already filed on the LIAT issue and will be filing a national grievance regarding the interest penalty.

We will be proceeding with the issues to Chief Arbitrator Teplitsky when he returns from vacation later this month.

We will keep you updated as things progress.

In Solidarity,

Gary Sinclair
Negotiations Co-Chairperson

Boyd Richardson
Negotiations Co-Chairperson

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