January 9, 2019
Selection of Candidates for Leadership Schools
The following Members indicated an interest in applying for Leadership course at the IAMAW
William W. Winpisinger Education & Technology Center and have been selected by the
Executive Board to attend. These members have been chosen because they already serve the
Membership in one capacity or another and your Administration believes your elected
Representatives should be educated in order to best serve your interests.
Leadership 1
Mahmoud Khatib
Salmon Cupid
Russ Fitzpatrick
Bill Terkalas
Mukesh Kumar
Nunzio Bellissimo
Pascale Forrester
Peter Begbie
Leadership 2
Glenn Milmine
Eugene Boddy
Sal Amin
Paul Hicks
Wayne Burey
Frank Angilletta
Donald Yusuf
Advanced Leadership
Myrna Smith
John Iheme
Zia Goffur
Train the Trainer
Evangeline Palad
We received many applications but unfortunately not everyone can be selected as there are a
limited number of seats. We appreciate everyone’s interest in their Union and encourage you to
apply in the future for any and all postings that may interest you.
In solidarity,
Sal Amin
Recording Secretary