Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Over the past few months, the Representatives of the IAMAW lobbied Members of Parliament (MPs), and appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. We also lobbied the Senators of the Senate Standing Committee of Transport and Communications and provided testimony requesting amendments to Bill C-10. This Bill is vague and changes the Air Canada Public Participation Act. This Bill allows Air Canada to change the type or volume of any or all of its aircraft maintenance work, as well as the level of employment. The IAMAW proposed amendments that would have ensured the survival and growth of the aircraft Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) industry in Canada, as well as protecting good paying, high-skilled, high-tech Canadian jobs.
Senior Air Canada representatives bullied Members of Parliament and Senate by advising them that the purchasing of the Canadian made Bombardier C-Series aircraft and the creation of Excellence Centers in Quebec and Manitoba would be threatened if Bill C-10 was not accepted in its original form.
The Hon. Senator Terry M. Mercer from Nova Scotia stood up in the Senate and explained that lawmakers should not give into Air Canada’s bullying, blackmail and intimidation, and put forward a motion to amend Bill C-10 and send the amended Bill back to the House of Commons for their consideration. Unfortunately, the Senate defeated the amendment and passed Bill C-10 in its original form after minimal debate. It appears that the Senate chose the path of a corporate driven agenda and did not take into account the national interest or the interest of our Members.
The IAMAW is extremely disappointed that the Senate adopted Bill C-10 without any amendments or even a second sober thought of preserving jobs and securing the Canadian MRO industry. It seems that corporate profits are more important to the Senate than the public good and the good of Canadian workers. Sadly the next step is for the Bill to have Royal Assent, and become law.
In Solidarity,
Fred Hospes, President and Directing General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAMAW