Dear Brothers and Sisters:
On May 19th Air Canada People, Culture and Communications issued a communique regarding staff reduction mitigation programs currently being offered to IAMAW Members.
In addition to the Deferred Payment Leave Plan (DPLP) provided for in Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) No. 6 of the TMOS Collective Agreement, Air Canada is also offering Special Voluntary Leaves of Absence (SVLOA) and a lackluster retirement incentive they are calling a “Universal Mitigation Program”.
Details of the plans have been provided on the Aeronet via link included in the communication but can also be obtained through your local Shop Committee representatives.
The DPLP and SVLOA are not available to Members who have received notices of lay-off. Successful participation in the DPLP and SVLOA programs do not prevent lay-off but, instead, trigger a temporary recall in order of seniority.
Please note that these mitigation programs are NOT MANDATORY.
Prior to the communication on May 19th, the IAMAW had been in direct negotiations with Air Canada regarding mitigation of staff reductions. Over and above the DPLP and the SVLOA, the Union made additional proposals including:
- Voluntary Separation Packages
- Retroactive elimination of the current Pension Cap
- Short-term Leaves of Absence
- Government Work Share Programs
- Extension of the CEWS Program
- Pension Buyback
Air Canada was not willing to engage in meaningful discussions regarding the Union’s
As always please do not hesitate to contact your General Chairpersons, Shop
Committee representatives and Shop Stewards if you have any questions or concerns.
In Solidarity,
Steve Prinz
General Chairperson
Western Region
Kevin Timms
General Chairperson
Western Region – Calgary
Richard Vezina
General Chairperson
Western Region – Winnipeg
Satwant Saini
General Chairperson
Central Region
Lou Pagrach
Grand Lodge Representative
Central Region
Serge Gélinas
General Chairperson
Eastern Region
Guillaume Lingat
General Chairperson
Eastern Region
Edward Hepburn
General Chairperson
Atlantic Region