Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Is a question that we all have been asking since June 17, 2012, when Arbitrator Picher’s decision came out. Well let’s first look at what has transpired since then:
The company was asked on or about June 26, 2012 when members would be getting their money as per the CBA. Various emails have gone back and forth with company executives since June 26, 2012.
The company had explained that each IAMAW member had to be calculated individually for the various retro payments, uplifts in salary, premiums etc. and originally could offer no confirmed date of expected payouts.
The company informed us on July 10, 2012 they would be putting out a communication regarding retro and uplifts.
On July 16, 2012 we wrote to Arbitrator Picher seeking his input and expecting he remained seized for implementation of his award.
Later on that same date the company issued a GIC LR-2012-05 providing some explanation on the retro and uplifts but no confirmed date.
July 17, 2012 after we had a conference call with Mr. Picher and he explained he was not seized for implementation we then issued an update and that we will be proceeding to Arbitrator Teplitsky through the grievance process.
On July 24, 2012 we met with the director of labour relations to go over with him our members frustration at not receiving their money. He again went through the lengthy process required for them to issue money.
On July 25, 2012 we were invited to a conference call with senior management to go over the process they must go through in order to make the payouts. Also during that call the company provided comparisons for the other bargaining units and the length of time needed to process their payouts.
On July 26, 2012 we, along with our negots team were invited and attended a conference webinar where the company presented us with the complete details of the magnitude of calculations needed to go through in order to affect payouts to our members.
While we can fully respect the amount of work that goes on in the background in order to make these payouts, we are at a loss to explain why money can so readily be taken from a pay cheque in what seems to be instant yet cannot get money to you in the same time frame.
As a result the negots team unanimously supported going to Arbitrator Teplitsky on August 2, 2012 to raise the issue of retro and uplifts awarded.
In solidarity,
Gary Sinclair and Boyd Richardson
Negotiations Co-chairpersons and the Negotiations Committee