March 27, 2018
Pension seminars are scheduled for all interested Local Lodge 2323 lAM & AW Members
employed by Air Canada. The seminars will deal with the Air Canada Defined Benefit
Pension plans for both ex-CAlL and original Air Canada members.
During the seminars we will explain the rules of the pension plans, the available pension
options for retirement and termination as well as Air Canada’s post-retirement extended
health and insurance benefits.
The Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security benefits will also be explained. There will
be an opportunity for individuals to ask questions and we will endeavour to provide
answers for all. The seminars will run approximately 3 – 4 hours depending on the number
of questions.
Dates: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 & Thursday, May 17, 2018
Times: 09:00 AND 16:00 (Both Days)
Location: 2323 Main Hall, 2580 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON
All Members and spouses are welcome to attend, but so that we can prepare the proper
number of handouts and coffee we ask that you register as soon as possible.
Please provide your name, phone number and/or email contact and indicate which
seminar you would like to attend. Also please be advised that attendance will
be on your own time and will not be provided at Company expense.
Please register by fax or email only:
Fax: 905-678-0034 Email:
In solidarity,
Dave Flowers