November 22, 2024
Health & Safety Aircraft Services (no election needed)
There will be no election for the Health & Safety positions for Aircraft Services.
The requirement needed was eight (8) positions and two (2) alternates.
We had 9 members running in an election for these spots.
However, Wayne Burey has request to be an alternate and therefore the other 8 members will be acclaimed.
Thank you, Wayne.
The following names are acclaimed for Health and Safety Aircraft Services. The term of office is January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027.
“Big” Frank Angilletta Nunzio Bellissimo Mike Cooke Mike Crilly
Alfonso D’Ambra Tim Evangelista Mike Steenson Sean Wilson
1st Alternate – Wayne Burey 2nd Alternate— (VACANT)
** Please note there is still ONE (1) vacant position for Health and Safety Aircraft Services **
If anyone is interested in applying, please send an email to with a cc email to before December 02, 2024 mid-night. On December 03,2024 the Executive Board will review and select from the list of applicants.
In Solidarity,
Vick Seebalak Jonathan ( Bubba ) Smith
President Local 2323 Secretary Treasurer Local 2323