March 31, 2024
Local lodge 2323 members can get their union cards from the following Shop Committee office locations below. We will place the union cards in the Shop Committee offices in the different work locations. For work locations that do not have a Shop Committee Office other provisions will be made.
Union Cards Location:
April Ramp / Baggage
May Ramp / Baggage
June Tech Ops / Supplies
June 28, YOW union cards will be in the Shop Office
July Cabins
August Cargo / CRE
** GSE / LOAD / PLANNERS / TRAINER 1 and 2 AIRPORTS / TBH and CLERICAL will be given to shop stewards in those work areas to hand out by the end of June.
If any member does not have a union card in the union card box then please let secretary treasurer, Jonathan Bubba Smith know and he will request a union card to be made for you.
In Solidarity,
Vick Seebalak