November 16, 2020
Notice of Acclamation for IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 Shop Stewards
Tech Ops/Logistics and Supply
Please be advised the following Members have been acclaimed as Shop Stewards
for the above Department. You will be notified in the near future regarding any
training you will require.
Aircraft Maintenance
Dan Adams
Walter Rohrer
Alain Ruel
Fred Soares
Donald Yusuf
Shaun Mountjoy
Mel Burns
James Osborne
Logistics & Supply
Ravinder Baichan
Angelo Finotello
Ramit Gupta
Joe Veltri
We would like to congratulate all who have participated in this process and we
ask that we all support and welcome to the team!
There are still positions available far Shop Stewards
Training will be available once we are permitted and it is safe to do so.
In solidarity,
Dave Flowers