This notice is to advise you of the new dues rates for 2012. The rate for full time IAMAW Air Canada employees will be $69.01 per month. Part time IAMAW Air Canada employees will be $59.01 while the minimum rate for our members at TGAS, TBH and newly formed AOSS has been set at $48.55. Local Lodge 2323 has not increased their per capita portion of the dues rate once again. The rate has been increase by $1.45. This is broken down by $1.05 increase in per capita to the IAMAW Grand Lodge and $.40 to District Lodge 140.
We have tried to find ways to avoid increasing the Local Lodge portion of dues knowing the stalled incomes of our members. In 2010, 2011 & 2012 we have not increased our portion of dues while again this promises to be an expensive year in terms of negotiations and organizing expenses we will continue to try to hold the line while waiting for fair and equitable contracts.
In Solidarity
Wayne Paterson S/T 2323
Steve O’Hara President 2323
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