February 24, 2025
Here are the rules for the online meetings.
- Once you have registered and have been vetted, you will be sent a link to attend the meeting.
- You will be able to log in to the meeting at 1700 hrs, with a cut off of 1800 hrs.
- Once you log in, you will be put into a waiting room in which the administrator will verify you and put you into the meeting starting at 1800 hrs.
- The Administrator has the right to ask members to show the room they are in on their device to make sure you are alone.
- You must have your full legal name on the Zoom Meeting. If your full name is not showing you will not be allowed in the meeting.
- At all times your camera must be on, and you must be in clear site of the camera. If you screen goes dark and you cannot be seen, you will be put into a waiting room.
- To ask questions, please hit “raise your hand” on the zoom application and the administrator will let us know.
- There is absolutely no recording allowed of any kind.
- Please do not sign up for the membership meeting, if you are at work. We do not want members at work, attending the meeting.
In Solidarity,
Jonathan “Bubba” Smith Mike Crilly
Secretary Treasurer Communicator