
To All LL2323 FORMER AVEOS RETIREES -2323 Bulletin

The IAM & AW Constitution Article H allows for the issuance of retiree cards to members who have retired from their employer in accordance with the retirement policies of those employers and who no longer work for an IAM & AW represented employer.

These retirement cards must be submitted along with a onetime $10 retirement fee within 60 days of the member’s retirement date to make them eligible to be a lifetime member in good standing of the IAM & AW.

Because of the lengthy delay in concluding the Aveos CCAA and bankruptcy proceedings and the issuance of pensions to those eligible members, this 60 day period has been greatly exceeded. Christopher Hiscock, President of LL764 has been in discussions with Canadian GVP Dave Ritchie to try and find a remedy to this situation that will allow all eligible and adversely affected former Aveos members to submit their IAM & AW retirement cards and continue as lifetime members in good standing.

Brother Ritchie has allowed for the creation of a registration process and timeline whereby these members may submit a retirement application to LL2323 for inclusion in this consideration. Brother Ritchie will grant a onetime dispensation allowing all eligible members to be granted IAM &AW retiree status for all members who were in good standing as of April 1, 2012.

All former Aveos members who have completed either 25 years of combined Air Canada & Aveos IAM & AW service or attained 80 points of age + IAM & AW service on or before March 31st, 2012 are eligible to apply for and receive their IAM & AW retirement cards under the terms of this dispensation. This includes those members who retired / rehired from Air Canada in July 2011 and were not eligible to receive their IAM & AW retiree status at that time because they continued to work for an IAM & AW employer.

All LL2323 members meeting these criteria must submit written notice to LL2323 advising of their intent to apply for their IAM & AW retirement status. This may be done via email to president@iamaw2323.ca. Fax 905-678-0034 or mail to Airline Central Lodge 2323, 2580 Drew Rd. Suite 202, Mississauga, Ontario L4T 3M5.

All applications must include your full legal name, IAMAW card number, Air Canada and Aveos employee numbers, last permanent date of hire, your current mailing address, phone number and email (if applicable).

The deadline for receipt of these applications at the LL2323 offices is the close of business, Friday, March 29th, 2013. There can be no exceptions to this deadline.

Steve O’Hara
President, LL2323

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