October 20, 2020
Vacancy for One (1) Member
Working for Air Canada in Ottawa
To Volunteer for the Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
The Local Lodge will be accepting applications for one (1) voluntary vacancy on the Employee
& Family Assistance Program Committee in Ottawa.
Applications must be received by no later than November 06, 2020. Applications must be in
writing and should include your name, employee number, phone number, work location,
email address (other than Air Canada) and your postal address with attention to Todd Doyle
EFAP Regional Coordinator at: efap@iamaw2323.ca
Upon receiving your request for consideration, you will be contacted by EFAP Regional
Coordinator Todd Doyle; at which time he will advise you what the process is for selecting the
new member of the EFAP Committee.
The selection process is scheduled to take place on November 20, 2020.
In solidarity,
Dave Flowers