August 4, 2014
Vacancy for 2 Members on Air Canada Technical Operations
IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 YYZ Health & Safety Committee
The Local Lodge will be accepting applications for two (2) vacancies on the Health and Safety Committee in the Technical Operations Department in Toronto. The term will commence immediately upon selection and acceptance of the chosen candidate until December 31, 2016.
Applications must be received by no later than August 29, 2014. Applications must be in writing and submitted in person or forwarded by facsimile (905-678- 0034) or email, with attention to the Recording Secretary, Vince Commisso ( and copy the President, Linda Mastromattei ( Please indicate work location with submission.
The selection process is scheduled to take place at the Local Lodge Executive Board Meeting on Tuesday, September 02, 2014.
In solidarity,
Linda Mastromattei