Brothers and Sisters:
We attended a hearing on November 11, 2017 with our Legal Counsel on behalf of the Membership working at
Air Canada in District 140. Present were; ACM Management, Labour Relations, Air Canada Senior Counsel,
Air Canada Corporate Health and Safety and Arbitrator Mr. Brian Keller.
We were given a presentation from a Fatigue Expert on factors that contribute to or assist in mitigating fatigue.
How hours of work, work schedules, sleep patterns and environmental stressors are key factors that influence
levels fatigue experienced by humans.
Some discussion between the parties followed the presentation. It appears Air Canada is taking fatigue, the
associated hazards and risks quite serious.
Presently, ACM has not provided enough data specific to the subjects related, therefore we are not able to
understand the extent of the problem.
The concern by all parties is that informed and responsible conclusions regarding the 6 day work week
grievance cannot be formulated without all of the information and details made available. Without the
aforementioned data, a conclusive report tailored to ACM with recommendations was not provided by Air
Canada’s Fatigue Expert. We have been told to expect one in the coming months.
The “6 Day Rule” grievance is without resolve. However, it is encouraging the health and welfare of our
membership and how fatigue plays a role has been brought to the forefront and all parties are aware.
Remain conscious of your health and well-being and that of your co-workers. A wise man once told me, “We
work to live. We don’t live to work.” Work hard, play hard and rest well.
Timely updates will be provided as they become available.
Thank you for your patience and support.
In solidarity,
David Freeman
General Chairperson
Central Region
Keith Aiken
General Chairperson
Western Region