Tech Ops Shop Committee Bulletin Re: Brother Steven Li


The company has chosen to continue its shameful persecution of Brother Steven Li.

On Thursday December 15th the company renewed its case against Brother Li by presenting a submission to Arbitrator Teplitsky and asking for another hearing on the matter concerning Brother Li and the Embraer APU Start/Stop switches.

The company’s ‘new and improved’ submission appears to contain little more than a repetition of the same old statistics, numbers and allegations of wrongdoing without providing anything by way of hard evidence or even a plausible explanation of what Brother Li is in fact doing wrong. Once again their case appears do be based on nothing more than suspicion, the number of switches snagged and a flawed understanding of the Embraer APU start/stop switch operation.

The Shop Committee will continue to keep the membership informed of any and all developments in this case as they occur and would like to thank all members for their continuing support of Brother Li during this difficult time.

In Solidarity

Joe D’ermo
Clinton Tucker

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