In Memoriam -Brother Bruce John Dal Bello

April 25, 2016

Bruce John Dal Bello

It is with profound sadness that the Union must advise the Membership of the passing of
Brother Bruce Dal Bello, retired Lead Station Attendant on the Ramp in Toronto. Brother
Dal Bello passed away on Thursday, April 21, 2016. He will be remembered fondly by those
he worked with and whose lives he touched.

The Dal Bello Family will be receiving friends as follows:


Was held on Sunday, April 24, 2016


Monday, April 25, 2016
10:00 am
P.X. Dermody Funeral Home
7 East Ave. South
Hamilton On

The Executive and Membership of IAMAW Local Lodge 2323 wish to offer our condolences to his family
and friends. As requested by the family a donation will be made to Cancer Assistance Program (CAP) in
Bruce’s memory.

In solidarity,

Linda Mastromattei

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