Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The IAMAW and Air Canada concluded the most recent round of bargaining and the
final reopener within the parameters provided under APPENDIX XXXXIV of the current
Collective Agreement.
After many in person bargaining sessions, Arbitrator Ready declared an impasse and
referred the negotiations process to interest arbitration as per the Appendix. Over
several days in November and working under the guidance of the leadership of the
IAMAW and your Negotiation Committee, our legal counsel presented our issues at
these proceedings.
On December 29, 2023, Arbitrator Ready rendered his decision and issued his award.
(Click this link to download award).
Although the award has some decent gains that will benefit portions of our
Membership, it did not achieve the gains we desired for the entirety of our Membership.
We must now shift our focus and attention leading up to April 2026. This is when we
will have the ability again for full Collective Agreement bargaining and have all the
processes and rights under the Labour Code at our disposal.
This final process of the 10 year agreement will serve as fuel for our Membership to
stand in solidarity, while we fight to achieve a fair and leading contract for all of our
Members in 2026.
In solidarity,
IAMAW, Transportation District 140