October 14, 2020
Nominations for Shop Stewards
Air Canada IAMAW Local Lodge 2323
NOMINATION AND ACCEPTANCES must be sent to the Recording Secretary or President by either
handing in person, faxing (905-678-0034), email to rs@iamaw2323.ca or via Canada Post to 2580
Drew Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4T 3M5.
Nominees must be active and preferably already had training.
Written nominations and acceptances will be received by the Local Lodge until November 10, 2020 and
election December 10, 2020. Details of polling to follow in election posting if needed.
Shop Steward nominations are being accepted
Ramp and Baggage (5)
Cargo (1)
GSE (1)
TERM OF OFFICE: Three (3) Years January 01, 2021 until December 31, 2023
LOCAL LODGE EXPECTATIONS: All Local Lodge Shop Stewards will be required to identify
themselves to the membership by visibly displaying their Shop Steward Badge at all times while on the
job and follow complete code of conduct of Shop Steward. Stewards not willing to comply with this
requirement may lose their position prior to completion of their term. As per Local Lodge Bylaws Article
VIII , Section 1 (c), stewards may be required to relinquish their position in the event they change work
PLEASE NOTE: A written nomination and acceptance must be received from all members
including incumbents wishing to be Shop Stewards.
In solidarity,
Dave Flowers