If you are injured at work, you must fill out an accident report the day of the injury or risk WSIB denying your claim. When you fill out the injury report, you will be provided with an FAF form or Functional Abilities Form which must be filled out by the attending physician. This FAF form must be returned to the company within 24 hours of your accident to be eligible for the company to pay you for the first 14 days of your injury. After the first 14 days, you will be paid by WSIB. If you fail to return the FAF form within the first 24 hours, your claim will be sent directly to WSIB to be paid from date of injury, the company will not pay you the first 14 days.
To avoid any problems with your claim, you must:
Fill out the injury report the day of
Return your FAF within 24 hours
The Shop Committee
Derek Morgan
Frank Morgani
Vick Seebalak
Brad Gomes