Is It Really Worth $300?
The Shop Committee along side with your Shift Bid Committee, have come to an impasse regarding the Winter Shift Bid and all further bids.
Our only option at this point is to opt out of the recently imposed shifting agreement to Appendix “K” regarding the compression of shifts and the General Holidays. If we remove this Agreement we forfeit three (3) of the five (5) days General Vacation days and shift premiums, but we regain full control of all our shifts (6×3, 4×2, 4×4, 4×3 etc.).
This action is our only resolve as we have entered faithfully into fair and equitable discussions regarding the bid. The company has already begun to remove desirable Lead and Station Attendant positions, including Lav and Water, Sequencing, Connections, Baggage Room and Throw-in.
This is only the beginning! The company is heading towards full implementation of their “Low Cost Carrier” model.
We are now asking for your support to save these positions.
We regret that the company has put us in this position. However, to honestly and fairly represent the membership, this is our only recourse.
In solidarity,
Your Shop Committee, and
Shift Bid Committee
(September 25, 2013 – 15:00 hours)